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3580 Argyle Road
Keokuk, Iowa

Audio Boxes

The Quiet Box

The Quiet Box | Logsdon Audio
The Quiet Box | Logsdon Audio

The Quiet Box


The Logsdon Audio Quiet Box cleans up the 9 volt power supplies output and in turn reduces noise in guitar pedals.

The Quiet Box also works as a distribution box for the "One Spot" or "Sanyo pedal Juice" while greatly reducing pedal noise.

Works with any 9 volt negative center wall adapter.

NEW: Power input is now available on either the BACK OR RIGHT side of the Quiet Box.

Power Input:
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Specifications and Features:

  • 9 Volt DC Negative Center inputs

  • 2.1mm power jacks with center negative

  • Dimensions: 3.19” x 1.57” x 0.79”

  • Durable, shatter-resistant casing

  • Lightweight and portable

  • 100% money back guarantee

What our customers are saying about the Quiet Box —

I do not own the sound effect at the beginning.* Review of the Quiet Box by Logsdon Audio ( --nifty little power supply that fits underneath smaller pedalboards such as the Pedaltrain Nano, Nano+, Metro 16, Metro 20, Mini, etc. My website: Code for free shipping on Logsdon products: MATT Thanks for watching!

Thank you Matt Clinkenbeard for the awesome demonstration video!

“I play bass and have a handful of analog pedals and a small multi effects unit. I am currently using a 1 Spot I was getting crosstalk between the digital multi and analog pedals in the form of a high pitched "weeeeeeeeeee" faintly in my signal. I was not going to dish out a bunch for an isolated power block because of 1 pedal. I looked around at filtering options and I ran across the Quiet Box. I just received it and it solved the crosstalk issue perfectly. I will definitely be letting people know about it. Great product for a real world issue with pedalboards. Thank you! :)”

- James K.

" It truly eliminates crosstalk between analog and digital pedal. Great seller! A+"

- James , Auston, TX

So Zak is playing his pedalboard and I have him try one of my Quiet Cables from Logsdon Audio and the horrible noise from his Morley wah pedal went away! Miracle!...that's why you gotta go with Logsdon Audio. The quiet box successfully powered my bass rig. I was able to run a chorus, compressor, a DI box, and a tuner with silence and no popping. Great product."

- Mike, Inkblot Astronaut 

"I got The Quiet Box today and I just played around with it and I have to say the results were very surprising, especially when I was plugged into the wall with the One spot."

“With The Quiet Box, the overall sound was much smoother and cleaner and quieter!”

"Without The Quiet Box I was getting a lot of hissing and unwanted noise. So I'm definitely going to be using the The Quiet Box with my portable gigging rig all the time and I think this product is a great inexpensive solution to unwanted noise weather your on the grid or off!”